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PMT Tracker Tool


Welcome to the PMT Chart, our advanced Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Tracker Tool. This powerful tool provides real-time tracking of PMT token performance across various decentralized exchanges. Stay informed with live price updates, historical data, and detailed analytics, all in one place.
The PMT Chart ensures transparency and empowers our PMT Family to make informed investment decisions. Explore the trends, monitor market movements, and stay ahead with the most up-to-date information on your PMT holdings.
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Recent projects

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Public Masterpiece


Idea Generation & Conception
Research & Development
Understanding the Art Industry
Identifying Problems
Developing Blockchain Solutions
Core Team Development
Educating Artists on Blockchain Integration
Educating Galleries on Blockchain Integration
Initial Launch in Germany
Overcoming Regulatory Obstacles
Re-Development Phase
Expanding Regional to International Collaborations
Implementing Innovative Blockchain Developments
Expanding Ecosystem Utilities
Product Restrategizing for Current Market
Creating Blockchain Identity
Official Token on BscScan
Launching PMT - Public Meme Token
Connecting Memes with RWAs
Successful Public & Private Presale Phases
Building a Dedicated Holder Community
First Collaboration with Famous Artist
CertiK Silver Batch (KYC)
Solidproof Audit
Successful Drop of the first RWA Collection (Sold out within 48 hours)
CertiK Audit & Bug Bounty
Launching Native Token on Pancake Swap
First Exchange Listings
Listing CoinGecko
Listing Dextools
Drop of the first RWA Collection by Rocketbyz
Launch Event and First PMT Art Exhibition
Transformation into PMT - Public Masterpiece Token
Elevating a Meme to a Masterpiece
Presenting the PMT Millionaires Club
Announcement of Next RWA Artists Romulo Kuranyi & Moreno Pisano
Establishing UAE as Official HQ
Expand collaborations with new Galleries and Artists
Web3 Marketing Campagns
Partnerships with Web3 Influencers
Mystery Box Auction of Rocketbyz
Listing on Coinmarketcap
Drop of the second RWA Collection
Drop of the third RWA Collection
Launch of DAO
Launch of Buyback and Burn
Crosschain Integrations